Pathways Interns

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thank you!

Dear Friends and Family,
I just wanted to take this time right now and thank you for everything that you have done for me. Your encouraging, servant hearts are truly a blessing and I am grateful. If you don’t know by now, I am headed this summer with Team Expansion to Taiwan. I will be teaching English, sharing the Gospel and learning from Dave and Brenda Atkins. Again I thank you all for everything you have done for me whether it was financial support or praying for me, it means more than you will ever know! May newsletter coming soon, keep a look out for my monthly letters informing you about all that I am doing for the work of the Kingdom! It’s in His name that I go, and His name we Praise daily!

Please Pray
 That my words are not my own when I teach, but that they come from God.
 Pray for the people that I will encounter this summer that they will be open to what I have to say.
 Pray for me while I learn the language and try to communicate with the people.
 Pray for me and the other Pathway interns that are in Japan, and Kosovo, and the states.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it there safely and praying for a good beginning to your time there!
