Pathways Interns

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jet Lagging :(

Sorry that I haven't wrote on here in a couple of days, but I have been busy learning Chinese and doing other things. Mark the calendar today was the first day that I was able to sleep all the way through the night and not have to take a nap during the day! this is the only thing that i really dislike about flying, jumping time zones is fun in all but getting use to a different sleep pattern is not.

So i arrived in Taiwan on Sunday night (for those of you that dont know i left the US on Saturday) and my teammate Avan met me at the airport. Right off the bat he seemed like a really cool guy, but i was a little worried because we had to travel from Taipei to Taichung which is 2 hours south of the capital, and i didn't think he knew where he was going. But by the grace of God everything went great and i dont think we could have timed it anymore prefectly! From the airport we took a 15 min. bus ride to the high speed rail, which is like our trains in the US but they go alot faster! :) I was alittle scared to get one, but Avan told me that you really dont feel like you are going fast, and who would have thought he'd be right. LOL From the high speed rail, we then called for a Taxi to take me to my temporary "home" while Dave and Brenda are still in the states. Its a really nice place....i will post pictures later! well thats it for now, gotta run!

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