Pathways Interns

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Public School

Yesterday and Today, I got to go with Avan and Joanne into the public school and watch them teach. Yesterday Avan taught about Jesus turning water into wine, and shared with them. Today we went to 2 different classrooms and shared with them about Mexico. The kids learned how to say Hello, Thank you, I am good & "and you" in Spanish. Avan did an amazing job with teaching them.  Then he teaches them the motions to the itsy bitsy spider, so they can do it while he sings it in Spanish.Then when he finishes that, he shares with them apples with lime and chili powder, and explains that this is how they eat apples in Mexico. While the kids are passing around the apples and eating and watch a video of pictures from his hometown, Avan runs off to the bathroom and changes for the dance he  preforms for them. After the dance is over, Avan reviews the words with them, and then he explains that we came to the school to invite them all to our VBS and we hand out flyers. After taking a couple pictures class is dismissed and we leave.

*The picture above is of the outside of the school building.*

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